Local and national organizations and leaders urge the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to allow millions of working families and individuals who have immigrated to the U.S. the opportunity to succeed.
Mayor Eric Garcetti has launched an online effort to build public support for President Obama’s immigration executive actions, which are currently stalled by the Texas v. United States case. The letter calls for support of the President’s reform plans, which will provide temporary relief from deportation to immigrants with longstanding ties to the U.S. It will be delivered to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans next Thursday, June 9th.
“Recent Supreme Court triumphs show us that public opinion matters. By raising our voices, we are fulfilling our responsibility as Americans to pursue a more equal and inclusive society. We are asking the Fifth Circuit Court to implement these executive actions, which will build a more robust economy and strengthen core American values,” said Mayor Garcetti.
Despite hundreds of legal experts confirming the constitutionality of these executive actions, the lawsuit continues to bar implementation of the programs. Expanding DACA and implementing DAPA will positively impact our cities, states, and country.
The executive actions would add an estimated $41 billion in new tax revenue to our nation’s economy over the next 10 years. If every eligible person applied for and was granted DACA and DAPA, over the next decade the U.S. GDP would increase by $90 to $210 billion, adding 150,000 jobs.
Mayor Garcetti has long been committed to municipal action on immigration. He re-established the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs and launched the “Step Forward L.A.” campaign, which helps navigate the path to citizenship and aims to assist 100,000 Angelenos across the city with DACA and DAPA processes.
The effort supports actions taken by the Cities United for Immigration Action coalition, a movement co-led by Mayor Garcetti. In April, Mayor Garcetti helped recruit over 70 cities and counties to file an amicus brief in the Texas v. U.S. case, arguing the critical need to fix our country’s broken immigration system.
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will start hearing oral arguments on July 10th. Leading up to that date, members of various organizations will present printed copies of Mayor Garcetti’s petition to the Court of Appeals in New Orleans.
To find out more and sign the petition, visit www.lamayor.org/daca_works
Leaders* including Los Angeles County Supervisors Hilda L. Solis and Sheila Kuehl, and Mayors Paul Soglin (Madison, WI), William Peduto (Pittsburgh, PA), Kevin McKeown (Santa Monica, CA), and Lindsey Horvath (West Hollywood) have pledged to back the petition.
Both local and national organizations have supported the petition including:
- ACLU Southern California
- Alliance for Citizenship
- America’s Voice
- American Federation of Teachers
- American GI Forum
- Armenian National Committee of America, Western Region
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice
- Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council
- Avance
- Bet Tzedek Justice for All
- Building Skills Partnership
- Californians Together
- Care LA
- Casa de Esperanza
- Center for Asian Americans United for Self Empowerment
- Center for Community Change
- Central American Resource Center (CARECEN)
- Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice
- Clinica Romero
- Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA)
- Council of Mexican Federations (COFEM)
- Filipino Migrant Center
- Franciscan Action Network
- FWD.Us
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
- Immigration Center for Women and Children
- International Institute of Los Angeles
- Kids In Need of Defense (KIND)
- Korean Immigrant Workers Alliance
- LA County Federation of Labor
- LA Voice
- Latino Equality Alliance
- League of United American Latin Citizens (LULAC)
- Loyola Immigrant Rights Clinic
- Maternal and Child Health Access
- Mexican American Bar Association
- Muslim Public Affairs Council
- National Association for Bilingual Education
- National Immigration Law Center (NILC)
- National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
- National Partnership for New Americans
- OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates
- Pilipino Workers Center
- Proyecto Pastoral
- Public Counsel
- Restaurant Opportunities Center
- Salvadoran American Leadership and Educational Fund (SALEF)
- Thai Community Development Center
- United We Dream (UWD)
- Youth Policy Institute
Click here to see the full press release on the Los Angeles Mayor's website.
A Texas court has said no to the President’s Executive Actions, which would allow millions of families and working people who have immigrated to the United States the opportunity to succeed in our great country. Even though legal experts have confirmed that these programs are constitutional, DACA and DAPA are currently held up in the courts. Expanding DACA and instituting DAPA will have a positive impact on cities, states, and the country as a whole.
These programs would add an estimated $41 billion in new tax revenue to nation’s economy over the next ten years. If every eligible person applied for and was granted DACA and DAPA, over the next decade the U.S. GDP would increase from $90 to $230 billion, adding 150,000 jobs.
The courts pay attention to public opinion, so we are raising our voices across the nation to call on the Fifth Circuit to reverse the District Court’s preliminary injunction, and permit the Administration to implement these programs that are vital to the American economy and our shared American values.
Sign the Petition now!
They will hand deliver the petition to the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans on July 9th.
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